

Using Virtualenv is recommended when evaluating or running locally.

Installation is simple with Pip:

pip install qip-installer

Installing from source

You can also install manually from the source for more control. First obtain a copy of the source by either downloading the zipball or cloning the public repository:

git clone

Then you can build and install the package into your current Python environment:

pip install .

If actively developing, you can perform an editable install that will link to the project source and reflect any local changes made instantly:

pip install -e .


If you plan on building documentation and running tests, run the following command instead to install required extra packages for development:

pip install -e .[dev]

Alternatively, just build locally and manage yourself:

python build

Building documentation from source

Ensure you have installed the ‘extra’ packages required for building the documentation:

pip install -e .[doc]

Then you can build the documentation with the command:

python build_sphinx

View the result in your browser at:


Running tests against the source

Ensure you have installed the ‘extra’ packages required for running the tests:

pip install -e .[test]

Then run the tests as follows:

python -q test

You can also generate a coverage report when running tests:

python -q test --addopts "--cov --cov-report=html"

View the generated report at:
