Migration notes

This section will show more detailed information when relevant for switching to a new version, such as when upgrading involves backwards incompatibilities.

Migrate to 2.1.0

Handling Wiz registries

Qip is now automatically including default Wiz registries to determine whether the installation of a Python package should be skipped or if its definition should be updated.

If using the command line, use -I/--ignore-registries to prevent including default Wiz registries.

Handling Errors

Default installation process has been modified to raise an error when the installation of a package has failed. Previously, the error was logged and the installation process would resume.

If using the command line, use -R/--continue-on-error to resume the installation without raising an error.

If using qip.install(), set the continue_on_error option to False.


Signature of qip.install() has been modified to handle the process of fetching a definition mapping from registry paths.

definition_mapping = wiz.fetch_definition_mapping(registry_paths)
qip.install(["foo"], definition_mapping=definition_mapping)
qip.install(["foo"], registry_paths=registry_paths)

The following function has been renamed for consistency with qip.definition.fetch_existing() :

Migrate to 2.0.0

Project name

Project name has been changed to qip-installer to guarantee a unique name on Pypi.


Following modules have been removed as logic can be used from the wiz library instead:

  • qip.filesystem
  • qip.symbol